Saturday, December 3, 2011

Using bootstrapping to quantify model reliability

When fitting a model to data, the accuracy with which we can estimate the parameters of the model depends on the amount of data available and the level of noise in the data.  To quantify the reliability of model parameter estimates, a simple yet effective approach is to use bootstrapping.


% Here's an example dataset.
x = 1:100;
y = evalgaussian1d([40 10 10 2],x) + 4*randn(1,100);
figure(999); clf; hold on;
h1 = scatter(x,y,'k.');
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');

% Let's presume that the model that describes these data is
% a one-dimensional Gaussian function.  (Indeed, that's what
% we used to generate the data; see above.)  Let's fit this
% model to the data using bootstrapping.  Specifically, let's
% draw 100 bootstraps from the data points and fit the
% Gaussian model to each bootstrap.
model = {[30 20 5 0] [-Inf 0 -Inf -Inf; Inf Inf Inf Inf] @(pp,xx) evalgaussian1d(pp,xx)};
rec = fitprfstatic(x',y',model,[],[],100,[],[],[],@calccod);
modelfits = [];
for p=1:size(rec.params,1)
  modelfits(p,:) = evalgaussian1d(rec.params(p,:),x);
h2 = plot(modelfits','r-');

% Each red line is the model fit obtained from one of
% the bootstraps.  By inspecting the variability of the
% red lines across bootstraps, we get a sense of the
% reliability of the model.

% For better visualization, let's compute the mean and standard
% deviation across bootstraps.  This gives us the mean model
% fit and its standard error.
mn = mean(modelfits,1);
se = std(modelfits,[],1);
h3 = errorbar3(x,mn,se,'v',[1 .7 .7]);
h4 = plot(x,mn,'r-');

% So far we have been examining the variability of the model fit.
% But we may be interested in the variability of the model parameters
% (which underlie the model fit).  Let's look at how model parameters
% vary from bootstrap to bootstrap.
figure(998); clf; hold on;
np = size(rec.params,2);
for p=1:size(rec.params,2)
  set(scatter(p*ones(1,100) - 0.1,rec.params(:,p),'r.'),'CData',[1 .7 .7]);
set(gca,'XTick',1:np,'XTickLabel',{'Mean' 'Std Dev' 'Gain' 'Offset'});
xlabel('Parameter'); ylabel('Value');

% In this figure, the light dots indicate the parameters obtained in
% different bootstraps, the black bars indicate the median across
% bootstraps, and the red error bars indicate the 68% confidence
% intervals calculated using percentiles (these confidence intervals
% are analogous to plus and minus one standard error in the case
% of Gaussian distributions).

% There are two basic factors that determine the reliability of
% an estimated model: how many data points there are to fit the
% model and how noisy each individual data point is.  First,
% let's look at an example that illustrates the impact of the
% number of data points.
nns = [20 80 320 1280];
noiselevels = [4 4 4 4];
figure(997); setfigurepos([100 100 500 400]); clf;
for p=1:length(nns)
  x = 1 + rand(1,nns(p))*99;
  y = evalgaussian1d([40 10 10 2],x) + noiselevels(p)*randn(1,nns(p));
  subplot(2,2,p); hold on;
  h1 = scatter(x,y,'k.');
  xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
  if p == 1
    ax = axis;
  model = {[30 20 5 0] [-Inf 0 -Inf -Inf; Inf Inf Inf Inf] @(pp,xx) evalgaussian1d(pp,xx)};
  rec = fitprfstatic(x',y',model,[],[],50,[],[],[],@calccod);
  modelfits = [];
  xx = 1:100;
  for q=1:size(rec.params,1)
    modelfits(q,:) = evalgaussian1d(rec.params(q,:),xx);
  mn = mean(modelfits,1);
  se = std(modelfits,[],1);
  h3 = errorbar3(xx,mn,se,'v',[1 .7 .7]);
  h4 = plot(xx,mn,'r-');
  if p <= 2
  title(sprintf('Number of data points = %d, noise level = %.1f',nns(p),noiselevels(p)));

% Notice that as the number of data points increases, the reliability
% of the estimated model increases.  Next, let's look at an example
% that illustrates the impact of the noise level.
nns = [80 80 80 80];
noiselevels = [4 2 1 0.5];

% Notice that as the noise level decreases, the reliability of the
% estimated model increases.


  1. Bootstrapping is been very useful for many web developer in fact even i am a data analysis expert i understand a little bit about this and it was really useful.Lucky i am to understand it more here.

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