In previous posts, we looked at cross-validation and bootstrapping in the context of regression. Cross-validation and bootstrapping are similar in that both involve resampling the data and then fitting a model of interest. In cross-validation, we fit a model of interest to a subset of the data and then evaluate how well the model predicts the remaining data. In bootstrapping, we create bootstrap samples by drawing with replacement from the original data and then fit a model of interest to each bootstrap sample. However, despite this superficial similarity, the two methods have fundamentally different purposes: cross-validation quantifies the accuracy of a model whereas bootstrapping quantifies the reliability of a model.
% Let's distill the distinction between accuracy and reliability
% down to its core and look at a very simple example.
figure(999); clf; hold on;
h1 = scatter(1,7,'ro');
h2 = scatter(1,4,'bo');
h3 = errorbar2(1,4,1,'v','b-');
axis([0 2 0 12]);
legend([h1 h2 h3],{'True model' 'Estimated model' 'Error bars'});
% In this example, we have a single number indicated by the red dot,
% and we are trying to match this number with a model. Through some
% means we have estimated a specific model, and the prediction of the
% model is indicated by the blue dot. Moreover, through some means we
% have estimated error bars on the model's prediction, and this is
% indicated by the blue line.
% Now let's consider the accuracy and reliability of the estimated
% model. The accuracy of the model corresponds to how far the
% estimated model is away from the true model. The reliability
% of the model corresponds to how variable the estimated model is.
h4 = drawarrow([1.3 4.5],[1.03 4.52],'k-',[],10);
h5 = text(1.33,4.5,'Reliability');
h6 = plot([.95 .9 .9 .95],[7 7 4 4],'k-');
h7 = text(.88,5.5,'Accuracy','HorizontalAlignment','Right');
% Accuracy and reliability are not the same thing, although they do bear
% certain relationships to one another. For example, if reliability is
% low, then it is likely that accuracy is low. (Imagine that the error bar
% on a given model is very large. Then, we would expect that any given
% estimate of the model would be not well matched to the true model.)
% Conversely, if accuracy is high, then it is likely that reliability
% is also high. (If a model estimate predicts responses extremely
% well, then it is likely that the parameters of the model are well
% estimated.)
% However, an important case to keep in mind is that it is possible for a
% model to have high reliability but low accuracy. To see how this can
% occur, let's examine each possible configuration of accuracy and
% reliability.
% In this case, there are enough data to obtain good estimates of
% the parameters of the model, and the model is a good description
% of the data. Let's see an example (quadratic model fitted to
% quadratic data).
x = rand(1,100)*14 - 8;
y = -x.^2 + 2*x + 4 + 6*randn(1,100);
rec = fitprfstatic([x.^2; x; ones(1,length(x))]',y',0,0,[],100,[],[],[],@calccod);
figure(998); clf; hold on;
h1 = scatter(x,y,'k.');
ax = axis;
xx = linspace(ax(1),ax(2),100);
X = [xx.^2; xx; ones(1,length(xx))]';
modelfits = [];
for p=1:size(rec.params,1)
modelfits(p,:) = X*rec.params(p,:)';
mn = median(modelfits,1);
se = stdquartile(modelfits,1,1);
h2 = errorbar3(xx,mn,se,'v',[.8 .8 1]);
h3 = plot(xx,mn,'b-');
h4 = plot(xx,-xx.^2 + 2*xx + 4,'r-');
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
legend([h1 h4 h3 h2],{'Data' 'True model' 'Estimated model' 'Error bars'});
title('Model is reliable and accurate');
% In this case, there are enough data to obtain good estimates of
% the parameters of the model, but the model is a bad description
% of the data. Let's see an example (linear model fitted to
% quadratic data).
x = rand(1,100)*10 - 5;
y = x.^2 - 3*x + 4 + 1*randn(1,100);
rec = fitprfstatic([x; ones(1,length(x))]',y',0,0,[],100,[],[],[],@calccod);
figure(997); clf; hold on;
h1 = scatter(x,y,'k.');
ax = axis;
xx = linspace(ax(1),ax(2),100);
X = [xx; ones(1,length(xx))]';
modelfits = [];
for p=1:size(rec.params,1)
modelfits(p,:) = X*rec.params(p,:)';
mn = median(modelfits,1);
se = stdquartile(modelfits,1,1);
h2 = errorbar3(xx,mn,se,'v',[.8 .8 1]);
h3 = plot(xx,mn,'b-');
h4 = plot(xx,xx.^2 - 3*xx + 4,'r-');
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
legend([h1 h4 h3 h2],{'Data' 'True model' 'Estimated model' 'Error bars'});
title('Model is reliable but inaccurate');
% This is not a likely situation. Suppose there are insufficient data to
% obtain good estimates of the parameters of a model. This implies that
% the parameters would fluctuate widely from dataset to dataset, which in
% turn implies that the predictions of the model would also fluctuate widely
% from dataset to dataset. Thus, for any given dataset, it would be unlikely
% that the predictions of the estimated model would be well matched to the data.
% In this case, there are insufficient data to obtain good estimates of
% the parameters of the model, and this supplies a plausible explanation
% for why the model does not describe the data well. (Of course, it could
% be the case that even with sufficient data, the estimated model would
% still be a poor description of the data; see case 2 above.) Let's see
% an example of an unreliable and inaccurate model (Gaussian model
% fitted to Gaussian data, but only a few noisy data points are available).
x = linspace(1,100,20);
y = evalgaussian1d([40 10 10 2],x) + 10*randn(1,20);
model = {[30 20 5 0] [-Inf 0 -Inf -Inf; Inf Inf Inf Inf] @(pp,xx) evalgaussian1d(pp,xx)};
rec = fitprfstatic(x',y',model,[],[],100,[],[],[],@calccod);
figure(996); clf; hold on;
h1 = scatter(x,y,'k.');
ax = axis;
xx = linspace(ax(1),ax(2),100);
modelfits = [];
for p=1:size(rec.params,1)
modelfits(p,:) = evalgaussian1d(rec.params(p,:),xx);
mn = median(modelfits,1);
se = stdquartile(modelfits,1,1);
h2 = errorbar3(xx,mn,se,'v',[.8 .8 1]);
h3 = plot(xx,mn,'b-');
h4 = plot(xx,evalgaussian1d([40 10 10 2],xx),'r-');
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');
legend([h1 h4 h3 h2],{'Data' 'True model' 'Estimated model' 'Error bars'});
title('Model is unreliable and inaccurate');
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