Sunday, October 30, 2011

Randomization tests

Randomization is a simple and intuitive method for establishing statistical significance. We provide here two examples in which a set of data is randomly shuffled multiple times, the results of which demonstrate that the original order of the data is in fact special.


% Let's generate a time-series with an upward linear trend,
% corrupted by a large amount of noise.
x = (1:50) + 30*randn(1,50);

% Visualize the time-series.
figure(999); clf;
title('Time-series data');

% Suppose we didn't know that the data came from a model
% with an upward trend.  How can we test whether the observed
% trend is statistically significant?

% Let's perform a randomization test.  The logic is as follows:
% The null hypothesis is that the data points have no dependence on
% time.  If the null hypothesis is true, then we can randomly permute
% the data points and this should produce datasets that are equivalent
% to the original dataset.  So, we will generate random datasets,
% compute a statistic from these datasets, and compare these values to
% the statistic generated from the original dataset.  Our statistic will
% be the correlation (Pearson's r) between the time-series and a diagonal line.
[pval,val,dist] = randomization(x,2,@(x) calccorrelation(x,1:length(x)),10000,1);

% What we have done is to compute correlation values for 10000 randomly permuted
% datasets.  Let's look at the distribution of correlation values obtained,
% and let's see where the original correlation value lies.
figure(998); clf; hold on;
h = straightline(val,'v','r-');
legend(h,{'Actual correlation'});
title('Distribution of correlation values obtained via randomization');

% The random correlation values are most of the time less than the
% actual correlation value.  The proportion of time that the actual
% correlation value is greater than the random values is the p-value.
ax = axis;
text(val,1.05*ax(4),sprintf('p = %.4g',pval),'HorizontalAlignment','center');
axis([ax(1:2) ax(3) 1.1*ax(4)]);

% Given the unlikeliness of obtaining the correlation value that we did,
% we can conclude that the null hypothesis is probably false and that
% the data points probably do have a dependence on time.  (Note that
% strictly-speaking, we cannot claim that the specific form of the
% time-dependence is a linear trend; we can claim only that there is
% some dependence on time.)

% Let's do another example.  Generate points in a two-dimensional
% space with a weak correlation between the x- and y-coordinates.
data = randnmulti(500,[],[1 .1; .1 1]);

% Visualize the data.
figure(997); clf;
title(sprintf('Data (r = %.4g)',calccorrelation(data(:,1),data(:,2))));

% Let's perform a randomization test to see if there is a statistically
% significant relationship between the x- and y-coordinates.  If there is
% no relationship, then we can randomly permute the x-coordinates
% relative to the y-coordinates and this should produce datasets
% that are equivalent to the original dataset. Our statistic of
% interest will be the correlation (Pearson's r) between x- and
% y-coordinates of each dataset.
[pval,val,dist] = randomization(data(:,1),1,@(x) calccorrelation(x,data(:,2)),10000,1);

% What we have done is to compute correlation values for 10000 randomly permuted
% datasets.  Let's look at the distribution of correlation values obtained,
% and let's see where the original correlation value lies.
figure(996); clf; hold on;
h = straightline(val,'v','r-');
legend(h,{'Actual correlation'});
title('Distribution of correlation values obtained via randomization');
ax = axis;
text(val,1.05*ax(4),sprintf('p = %.4g',pval),'HorizontalAlignment','center');
axis([ax(1:2) ax(3) 1.1*ax(4)]);

% The random correlation values are most of the time less than the
% actual correlation value.  The proportion of time that the actual
% correlation value is greater than the random values is the p-value.
% The null hypothesis (that there is no dependence between the x-
% and y-coordinates) is probably false.

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